Illinois DMV Practice Test 06


Illinois Practice Test 06

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If a driver follows you too closely, you should:

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When passing a truck, you should let the driver know you are passing by blinking your headlights, especially at night.

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When on a two-lane roadway, drivers must stop their vehicles when approaching a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing and its stop signal arm extended.

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You are stopped at a stop sign and you are going to go straight through the intersection. A car on the cross road has stopped at the same time at a stop sign on your right and is going to go straight. Who has the right-of-way??

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A merge sign means drivers should be prepared to change lanes or allow other traffic to come into their lane.

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In Illinois, the use of hands-free devices while driving is:

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Aggressive driving includes:

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As you drive on the expressway, make sure:

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You want to turn left at an intersection ahead. A car reaches the intersection from the opposite direction and moves straight ahead. You:

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Parking a vehicle is prohibited within __ feet of a fire station driveway.

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When an authorized vehicle using its sirens and flashing lights approaches a vehicle, the driver should pull to the right-hand edge of the roadway and wait for the emergency vehicle to pass.

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If a driver is arrested for driving with a BAC of .08 percent or more, his/her driving privileges will be suspended for:

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When you have completed a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street, your car should be:

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___________ normally are white rectangles with black letters or symbols.

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Parking is not allowed:

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What shape is a speed limit sign?

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Drivers may pass on a two-lane roadway marked with a single solid yellow line on their side of the center line.

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Where must a pedestrian walk when there are no sidewalks?

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What happens if two vehicles reach at the same time an intersection with four-way stop signs?

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While you are in an intersection waiting to make a left turn, the traffic signal light turns red. You should:

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How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?

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Where are yield signs usually placed?

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If driving in foggy weather, drivers should turn on their high-beams to increase the field of vision.

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The ‘Slower Traffic Keep Right’ sign is used:

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______ is used for parks and recreation signs.

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Illinois drivers can use a cellphone that is not hands-free only:

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Our Illinois DMV practice test is designed to help you pass the written exam on your first try. It covers everything from traffic signs, signals, and pavement markings to traffic laws, driving rules, and vehicle safety. The Illinois DMV written test includes 35 questions, with 15 focused on identifying road signs. You need at least 28 correct answers to pass.

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