Florida DMV Practice Test 03


Florida Practice Test 03

1 / 40

At intersections marked with stop lines, drivers must:

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A driver who approaches an intersection:

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Driving during restricted hours will result in __ points being added to your driving license.

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On a three-lane expressway, drivers should use the ____ lane for passing.

5 / 40

Racing on the highway:

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What shape is used to give advance warning of no passing zones?

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When there is a green arrow pointing left, and the red light is illuminated at the same time, drivers:

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On highways, when the posted speed limit is 70 MPH, the minimum speed limit is:

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Total stopping distance is:

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Which of the following is NOT true? When entering an open intersection, drivers must yield the right-of-way if:

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The Florida “standard” speed limit in business or residential areas is:

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What do pennant-shaped signs indicate?

13 / 40

The average perception time for an alert driver is:

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Which way should you turn your wheels when parking facing uphill where there is a curb?

15 / 40

Your license must be revoked if you are found guilty of ___ cases of reckless driving within one year.

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The center lane of a three-lane or five-lane highway is used only:

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When a person under the age of 18 is not restrained by a safety belt or a child restraint device, a seat belt violation will be charged to:

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what shape is a railroad advance warning sign?

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Which of the following is NOT a rule for safe driving:

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Restricted lanes are usually reserved for:

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The main purpose of right-of-way rules is to:

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Expressways are NOT also known as:

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The Florida “standard” speed limit in school zones is:

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All cars must have two red taillights mounted on the rear, visible from how many feet away?

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A flashing red light at an intersection means:

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Which of the following is NOT true? Your license must be revoked if:

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A texting while driving violation is punished as follows:

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If a driver reaches an intersection where he/she wishes to make a right or left turn and is not in the proper lane, he/she should:

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If you are following a truck, you should:

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When driving at night, drivers should NOT:

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When you see a cyclist approaching at night, you should NOT:

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Roads are most slippery:

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A driver needing to turn a car around in a very small space should:


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Doing all you can to prevent crashes is called:

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When following a motorcycle, drivers must remember that motorcycles can ____________ than other vehicles.

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Passing a stopped school bus will result in __ points being added to your driving license.

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Which of the following must be avoided when passing another vehicle:

38 / 40

You should use a three-point turn:

39 / 40

Your license must be revoked if you:

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A __________ marks the right edge of the roadway.

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Whether you’re cruising the coast or navigating the highways, you’ll need a valid driver’s license to explore Florida’s beauty. Our Florida DMV practice tests are designed to help you find the right answers and pass with ease.

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