Florida DMV Practice Test 08


Florida Practice Test 08

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Motorcycles are entitled to:

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When is it legal to pass another vehicle using the shoulder of a road?

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Drawbridges are:

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_______ can drink alcohol and drive safely.

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Drivers who dump more than 15 pounds of trash:

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Parking is not allowed within __ feet of any stop sign, flashing signal or traffic signal.

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When children or school crossing guards are present in a crosswalk, what should drivers do?

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When approaching an intersection, drivers should:

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An orange warning may indicate:

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In a heavy rain, tires can ride on a thin film of water, without touching the road. This is called:

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If your vehicle enters water, it will float on the surface for ___________ before starting to sink.

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All expressway entrances have three basic parts:

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An octagonal sign means that drivers must:

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You are driving and you are feeling drowsy. You should:

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Passing on the right is legal when:

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At the time of arrest for DUI, you will be administratively suspended if you:

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The countdown time period of a pedestrian countdown signal is based on:

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What shape is used for advance warning of no passing zones?

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Stop lines, crosswalks and parking spaces are marked by:

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Wearing shoulder belts and lap belts make your chances of living through a crash:

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Which of the following is true about a driver who is convicted of running a red light?

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What is the minimum required clearance a motorist must maintain from a cyclist?

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If you are involved in a crash and your vehicle enters water, you should:

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A solid white line:

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More than half of the crashes that cause injury or death happen at speeds less than:

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Which of the following is NOT correct. When making a turn, drivers should:

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A yellow light tells drivers to:

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In Florida, there are two motor vehicle insurance laws. They are:

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A licensed driver (Class E or higher) who is 17 years of age may not operate a motor vehicle between ___________, unless accompanied by a driver who is 21 years of age or older and holds a valid driver license (Class E or higher)

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More than half of the crashes that cause injury or death happen at speeds less than __ MPH and within __ miles from home.

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An open/uncontrolled intersection is one:

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A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for:

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Mature drivers should NOT:

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If you’re involved in a minor crash and your vehicle is blocking the flow of traffic, you must:

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A single yellow line marks the ________ of divided highways and one-way streets.

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The length of a point suspension is 30 days for:

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The towing connection between two vehicles:

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You can be charged with DUI if you are found to be driving:

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A bicyclist on a sidewalk or crosswalk:

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What is the ideal steering wheel hand placement?

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The total stopping distance of a vehicle traveling at 30 MPH is ___ feet:

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Whether you’re cruising the coast or navigating the highways, you’ll need a valid driver’s license to explore Florida’s beauty. Our Florida DMV practice tests are designed to help you find the right answers and pass with ease.

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