Florida DMV Practice Test 10


Florida Practice Test 10

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What should you do if you are approaching a railroad crossing without gates or lights, and a train is coming but you think you might have just enough time to cross?

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What should you do if you drive past the exit on an interstate highway where you wanted to get off?

3 / 43

The ‘Speeding Fines Doubled’ sign applies to:

4 / 43

If a road has four or more lanes with two-way traffic, drivers should drive _______ except when overtaking and passing.

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In the following situations, drivers should increase their following interval:

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Which of the following are NOT exempt from the seat belt requirements?

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If you are driving on a two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway, you:

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Left turns on a red light are allowed:

9 / 43

Reckless driving will result in __ points being added to your license.

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What is the stopping distance of an average freight train traveling at 30 MPH?

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Drivers may not have on or in their car:

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Any driver under the age of 18 who accumulates _ or more points within a __ month period is automatically restricted for one year to driving for “Business Purposes ONLY”.

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All children _____ years of age or younger must use a restraint device when riding in a motor vehicle.

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When they see a crossbuck sign, drivers:

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Cars must have two red stoplights, visible from ___ feet in the daytime.

16 / 43

When leaving an expressway, drivers should NOT:

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What precautions should you take if you plan to drink at a party?

18 / 43

What are three types of intersections on the road?

19 / 43

The average driver has a reaction time of:

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A licensed driver (Class E or higher) who is under 17 years of age may not operate a motor vehicle between ___________ unless accompanied by a driver who is 21 years old or older and holds a valid driver license (Class E or higher).

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Who has the right-of-way in Florida?

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The ‘Slower Traffic Keep Right’ sign is used:

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Horizontal rectangles:

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Which of the following is NOT dangerous:

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Drivers under 21 years old who receive a notice of suspension for driving with a BAL of .02 to .05, must:

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At the time of arrest for DUI, you will be suspended if you have a breath or blood alcohol level of ___ or above.

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Vehicles going less than __ miles per hour must display the ‘slow moving vehicle’ sign on the rear when using public highways.

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Drivers should ________ share the lane with a motorcycle.

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A _______ line marks the left edge of the pavement on divided or one-way roadways.

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Motorcyclists may slow down without visual warning because:

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The Financial Responsibility Law requires you to have bodily injury liability insurance at the time of:

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Bike lanes are separated from motor vehicle travel lanes by:

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What is the meaning of fluorescent yellow green signs?

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Your license can be cancelled if:

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Which of the following is true about double yellow lines, one solid, one broken?

36 / 43

Drinking alcohol does NOT:

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Unless otherwise posted, what is the speed limit on a highway outside a town or city?

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Which drugs can affect a person’s ability to drive safely?

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Drivers must obey traffic signals except when:

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You can be charged with DUI if you are found to be driving:

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Anyone who uses a Parking Permit that does not belong to them can:

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The first sign drivers see when approaching a highway-rail intersection is usually:

43 / 43

If it is your second collision in a 2-year period, you will be required to:

Your score is


Whether you’re cruising the coast or navigating the highways, you’ll need a valid driver’s license to explore Florida’s beauty. Our Florida DMV practice tests are designed to help you find the right answers and pass with ease.

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