Knowledge Test 02


Knowledge Test 02

1 / 100

100.You consent to have your breath, blood or urine tested:

2 / 100

99.This sign indicates:

3 / 100

98.This road sign means:

4 / 100

97.An emergency vehicle is approaching from behind with lights flashing. Drivers should:

5 / 100

96.As the percentage of alcohol in your blood (BAC) increases, you become:

6 / 100

95.Driving within the range of your headlights indicates you can stop your vehicle within about how many feet?

7 / 100

94.This road sign means:

8 / 100

93.An edge line that angles toward the center of the road indicates that:


9 / 100


10 / 100

91.BAC is expressed in:

11 / 100

12 / 100

89.This sign means:

13 / 100

88.You are driving a vehicle with automatic transmission. When you park on a hill you should:

14 / 100

87.A steady yellow light means that a ______ light will soon appear.

15 / 100

86.Pentagonal signs are used to indicate:

16 / 100

85.Drivers should be aware that a motorcyclist may:

17 / 100

84.You are driving in the left lane and want to change to the right lane. Before changing lanes, you should check your mirrors, signal and:

18 / 100

83.This road sign means:

19 / 100

82.When you see this sign you should:

20 / 100

81.The following symptoms are associated with drowsy driving:

21 / 100

80.This road sign means:

22 / 100

79.This sign means:

23 / 100

78.This sign means:

24 / 100

77.If you begin to feel drowsy while driving, you should:

25 / 100

76.Total stopping distance is:

26 / 100

75.Drivers should allow a larger space cushion when stopping:

27 / 100

74.Drivers may pass another vehicle if the line dividing two lanes is a ________ line.

28 / 100

73.Drinking alcohol while taking drugs can:

29 / 100

72.If another vehicle is approaching you head-on in your lane, you should slow down, _______, and sound your horn.

30 / 100

71.When driving on the highway behind large trucks, you should:

31 / 100

70.Having a drivers license is:

32 / 100

69.What is a likely effect when you take another drug while you drink alcohol?

33 / 100

68.Which of the following signs has a red background?

34 / 100

67.What should you do if your rear wheels start to skid?

35 / 100

66.If you continually pass the other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction, you will:

36 / 100

65.This road sign means:

37 / 100

64.When driving in rainy weather, you should:

38 / 100

63.If the entrance lane is too short to allow acceleration to expressway speed, you should:

39 / 100

62.This warning sign:

40 / 100

61.This road sign means:

41 / 100

60.Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk.

42 / 100

59.Two drivers reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time. Who has the right of way?

43 / 100

58.If a traffic officer signals you to drive through a red light:

44 / 100

57.This road sign means:

45 / 100

56.This sign means

46 / 100

55.When parking on a public road, drivers should:

47 / 100

54.This sign means drivers should:

48 / 100

53.What does a flashing yellow light mean?

49 / 100

52.You may pass another vehicle:

50 / 100

51.What shape is a speed limit sign?

51 / 100

50.What should you do in case of a brake failure?

52 / 100

49.If your car goes into water, you should:

53 / 100

48.Braking distance is:

54 / 100

47.Passing is prohibited:

55 / 100

46.Regulatory signs:

56 / 100

45.This road sign means:

57 / 100

44.Drivers cannot pass a vehicle on the left if:

58 / 100

43.When you are angry or upset you should:

59 / 100

42.When passing another car, you have enough room to return to the driving lane when:

60 / 100

41.Highway hypnosis is a driving condition that can result from:

61 / 100

40.Drivers may need more space in front of their vehicle:

62 / 100

39.Drivers approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:

63 / 100

38.When in a vehicle, wear a seat belt:

64 / 100

37.What does a flashing left yellow arrow mean?

65 / 100

36.Service signs are ____ with ____ letters and symbols.

66 / 100

35.A broken yellow line between two lanes of traffic means:

67 / 100

34.This sign indicates:

68 / 100

33.You are approaching an intersection with a traffic signal indicating a steady yellow light. If you have not already entered the intersection, you should:

69 / 100

32.You should increase your following distance when:

70 / 100

31.This road sign means:

71 / 100

30.If a bus needs to make a right turn and you are also turning right:

72 / 100

29.This is the shape and color of a ________ sign.

73 / 100

28.This sign means:

74 / 100

27.The traffic light is red and you want to turn right. You can turn:

75 / 100

26.Warning signs are:

76 / 100

25.What should you do in case of a steering failure?

77 / 100

24.This sign means

78 / 100

23.This road sign means:

79 / 100

22.You must pull over to the edge of the road and allow an emergency vehicle to pass:

80 / 100

21.If a vehicle starts to skid on water the driver should quickly apply the brakes.

81 / 100

20.This sign warns drivers that:

82 / 100

19.A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line means:

83 / 100

18. A four-way stop sign means:

84 / 100

17.This sign means:

85 / 100

16.The sign in the picture:

86 / 100

15.White lane lines:

87 / 100

14.When drivers come to this sign, they must:

88 / 100

13.Regulatory signs are:

89 / 100

12.Stopping distances:

90 / 100

11.When getting ready to change lanes, you should:

91 / 100

10.Which of the following is a defensive driving skill/technique?

92 / 100

9.A three-point turn is used:

93 / 100

8.What do pennant-shaped signs indicate?

94 / 100

.7.To help relieve fatigue on a trip:

95 / 100

6.This road sign means:

96 / 100

10.If you hear a thumping sound while driving, you should:

97 / 100

9.The picture shows a _________ sign.

98 / 100

8.Aggressive drivers:

99 / 100

7.A pedestrian in the crosswalk when the 'DON’T WALK' signal begins flashing must:

100 / 100

6.What do flashing red lights on a school bus indicate?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


To legally practice driving in Texas, new drivers must first obtain a learner’s permit (or learner license), which requires supervision from a licensed driver. If you’re under 25, completing a state-approved driver education course is mandatory. To get your Texas driver’s license, you’ll need to pass three tests: a written knowledge test, a driving test, and a vision screening.

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