Knowledge Test 03

Knowledge Test 03

1 / 99

2.Vehicle stopping distance never depends on:

2 / 99

1.What does this road sign indicate?

3 / 99

100.When merging onto an interstate highway, drivers should:

4 / 99

99.Examples of proper glass maintenance include:

5 / 99

98.This regulatory sign tells drivers that:

6 / 99

97.If a driver follows you too closely, you should:

7 / 99

96.When you make a left turn from a two-way road into a four-lane highway, you must:

8 / 99

95.The sign in the picture:

9 / 99

94.If the entrance lane is too short to allow acceleration to highway speed, you should:

10 / 99

93.This road sign means:

11 / 99

92.This sign means:

12 / 99

91.Give the right-of-way to any pedestrian:

13 / 99

89.To drive defensively, you must:

14 / 99

90.Pentagonal signs are used to indicate:

15 / 99

88.What should drivers do when they see this sign?

16 / 99

87.You should never depend on your mirrors when you prepare to change lanes. Why?

17 / 99

86.If an approaching driver does not dim the headlights, you should:

18 / 99

85.Two drivers reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time. Who has the right of way?

19 / 99

84.Are drivers allowed to exceed the speed limit to pass other vehicles?

20 / 99

83.This road sign means:

21 / 99

82.This road sign indicates that:

22 / 99

81.Slowing down just to look at collisions or anything else out of ordinary:

23 / 99

80.This sign means:

24 / 99

79.Which of the following does NOT affect the distance that it takes to stop your vehicle?

25 / 99

78.At intersections marked with stop lines, drivers must:

26 / 99

77.When parking downhill:

27 / 99

76.When they see this road sign, drivers must:

28 / 99

75.Which of the following must you obey over the others?

29 / 99

74.The most common cause of traffic crashes is:

30 / 99

`73.This road sign means:

31 / 99

72.This road sign means:

32 / 99

71.When the road is slippery you should:

33 / 99

69.What does a flashing left yellow arrow mean?

34 / 99

70.The inside temperature of a vehicle can rise almost __ degrees within the first __ minutes with no ventilation.

35 / 99

68.Your car stalls on the tracks at a railroad crossing, and a collision with a train is imminent. After getting yourself and your passengers out of the car, you should:

36 / 99

67.This road sign means:

37 / 99

66.You can pass on the right:

38 / 99

65.You hear a siren close by but cannot see where the emergency vehicle is. What do you do?

39 / 99

64.If your brakes are wet, you can dry them by:

40 / 99

63.This road sign means:

41 / 99

62.Always driving slower than other traffic:

42 / 99

61.What does this sign indicate?

43 / 99

60.When you prepare to make a left turn from a one-way road into a one-way road, you must:

44 / 99

59.This is the shape and color of a ________ sign.

45 / 99

58.The sign in the picture:

46 / 99

57.This road sign means:

47 / 99

56.When approaching someone using a white cane or guide dog, drivers should:

48 / 99

55.This road sign means:

49 / 99

54.A flashing red light means:

50 / 99

53.This road sign means:

51 / 99

52.The effects of alcohol on driving include:

52 / 99

51.When a ‘Road Closed’ sign is displayed, drivers must:

53 / 99

50.This sign means:

54 / 99

49.Regulatory signs are:

55 / 99

48.Yellow traffic signs:

56 / 99

47.The yield sign is ___ and white, with ___ letters.

57 / 99

46.This road sign means:

58 / 99

45.You may not pass another vehicle on either side of a _______ centerline.

59 / 99

44.Regulatory signs are:

60 / 99

43.What is the purpose of minimum speed limits?

61 / 99

42.Vehicles stopped behind a school bus when the red lights are flashing must remain stopped until:

62 / 99

41.When driving in fog, drivers should use:

63 / 99

40.If you drive slower than the flow of traffic, you will most likely:

64 / 99

39.In the following situations, drivers should increase their following interval:

65 / 99

38.As you drive on the expressway, make sure:

66 / 99

37.Speed limit signs are:

67 / 99

36.If your vehicle has a mechanical problem, you should:

68 / 99

35.When changing lanes:

69 / 99

34.If another vehicle passes you on the left, you must:

70 / 99

33.This sign tells drivers that:

71 / 99

32.Blind spots are:

72 / 99

31.If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, look towards __________ of the road.

73 / 99

30.When changing lanes, you should:

74 / 99

29.This road sign means:

75 / 99

28.To keep the driver behind you at a safe distance you should:

76 / 99

27.Highway hypnosis is a driving condition that can result from:

77 / 99

26.This road sign means:

78 / 99

25.Does a vehicle prepared to enter a traffic circle or rotary have the right-of-way over the vehicles in the circle?

79 / 99

24.This sign means:

80 / 99

23.You are entering a roundabout with multiple lanes, and you need to go straight through the intersection. You must:

81 / 99

22.Before entering a traffic circle, drivers must slow down and yield to ___________ in the traffic circle.

82 / 99

21.You go with a group of friends to a social event, and you plan to have a few drinks. You should:

83 / 99

20.A solid yellow line on your side of the center line means:

84 / 99

19.Drivers can proceed through an intersection with a stop sign, but no stop line or crosswalk:

85 / 99

18.Drivers must yield for emergency vehicles:

86 / 99

17.Drivers may continue carefully through a yellow light if:

87 / 99

15.This road sign means:

88 / 99

14.This road sign means:

89 / 99

13.This sign warns drivers that:

90 / 99

12.When driving on a wet road:

91 / 99

11.This road sign means:

92 / 99

10.If you hear a thumping sound while driving, you should:

93 / 99

9.The picture shows a _________ sign.

94 / 99

8.Aggressive drivers:

95 / 99

7.A pedestrian in the crosswalk when the 'DON’T WALK' signal begins flashing must:

96 / 99

6.What do flashing red lights on a school bus indicate?

97 / 99

5.This sign warns drivers of:

98 / 99

4.Braking distance is affected by:

99 / 99

3.This road sign warns drivers that:

Your score is

The average score is 0%


To legally practice driving in Texas, new drivers must first obtain a learner’s permit (or learner license), which requires supervision from a licensed driver. If you’re under 25, completing a state-approved driver education course is mandatory. To get your Texas driver’s license, you’ll need to pass three tests: a written knowledge test, a driving test, and a vision screening.

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