Knowledge Test 01
Math quiz helps us to increase our knowledge
1 / 100
6.You exit a freeway on a ramp that curves downhill. You should:
2 / 100
5.This sign indicates:
3 / 100
4.Braking distance is affected by:
4 / 100
3.Drivers approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:
5 / 100
2.After you stop for a school bus, you must:
6 / 100
1.You may not pass another vehicle on either side of a _______ centerline.
7 / 100
100.When in a motor vehicle on or off the highway, it is:
8 / 100
99.This road sign means:
9 / 100
98.The picture shows a _________ sign.
10 / 100
97.Regulatory signs are:
11 / 100
96.How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?
12 / 100
95.To drive defensively, you must:
13 / 100
94.When you see this sign you:
14 / 100
93.When an aggressive driver confronts you, you should:
15 / 100
92.On what three conditions does your blood alcohol content (BAC) depend?
16 / 100
91.This road sign means:
17 / 100
90.When you need to enter a freeway exit ramp:
18 / 100
89.This road sign means:
19 / 100
88.From top to bottom, traffic lights are:
20 / 100
87.To avoid hydroplaning you should:
21 / 100
22 / 100
85.When a hazard is seen ahead, reaction distance:
23 / 100
84.When drivers see a 'Wrong Way' sign:
24 / 100
83.This road sign means:
25 / 100
82.To avoid becoming an aggressive driver, you should:
26 / 100
81.When children are close, what should you do before you back out of a driveway?
27 / 100
80.Roads can be very slippery:
28 / 100
79.The white sign means:
29 / 100
78.HOV stands for:
30 / 100
77.When following a vehicle at night you should dim your headlights.
31 / 100
76.A four-way stop sign means:
32 / 100
75.An orange-colored sign means:
33 / 100
74.This sign means:
34 / 100
73.You reach an intersection that is not controlled at the same time as a driver on your right, and both of you prepare to go straight. Who has the right-of-way?
35 / 100
72.If your front wheels start to skid, the first thing you should do is:
36 / 100
71.What should you do in case of a brake failure?
37 / 100
70.This road sign means:
38 / 100
69.You face a green light, but traffic on the other side of the intersection does not allow you to travel all the way through the intersection. What must you do?
39 / 100
68.This road sign is:
40 / 100
67.When the road is slippery, you should:
41 / 100
66.At a school crossing, drivers should:
42 / 100
65.Traffic lights are normally ____________ from the top to bottom or left to right.
43 / 100
64.White lane lines:
44 / 100
63.Following another vehicle too closely is known as:
45 / 100
62.When driving in heavy rain, drivers should use:
46 / 100
61.This sign means:
47 / 100
60.If your car goes into water, you should:
48 / 100
59.When turning left at an intersection:
49 / 100
58.This sign means:
50 / 100
57.What does this road sign indicate?
51 / 100
56.When a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the road, you must:
52 / 100
55.This road sign means:
53 / 100
54.What is the most important rule to remember in any emergency?
54 / 100
53.When following a motorcycle, drivers do not need to allow as much distance as when following a car.
55 / 100
52.Your vehicles braking distance will be much longer:
56 / 100
51.As your speed increases it is most important to:
57 / 100
50.A speed restriction sign:
58 / 100
49.Drinking alcohol while taking drugs:
59 / 100
48.Studies show that wearing seat belts:
60 / 100
47.A diamond-shaped marking on the left lane shows that:
61 / 100
46.When you must park on the roadway, you should:
62 / 100
45.When a truck passes your vehicle, you should:
63 / 100
44.An ‘uncontrolled’ or ‘open’ intersection is an intersection where:
64 / 100
43.This sign warns drivers that:
65 / 100
42.Your BAC depends on:
66 / 100
41.Alcohol causes:
67 / 100
40.Continuous hard braking on ice and snow often:
68 / 100
39.What should you do if your headlights suddenly go out?
69 / 100
38.What does a flashing yellow light mean?
70 / 100
37.When they see this sign, drivers should:
71 / 100
36.Roads are most slippery:
72 / 100
35.This sign means:
73 / 100
34.This sign warns ____________ ahead.
74 / 100
33.This sign indicates:
75 / 100
32.This road sign warns drivers that:
76 / 100
31.This sign tells drivers that:
77 / 100
30.When entering an expressway from the entrance ramp, you should:
78 / 100
29.When approaching someone using a white cane or guide dog, drivers should:
79 / 100
28.To be able to turn quickly, your hands should be:
80 / 100
27.If cars approaching from opposite directions reach an intersection at the same time:
81 / 100
26.This road sign means:
82 / 100
25.This road sign means:
83 / 100
24.This road sign means:
84 / 100
23.Drivers may need more space in front of their vehicle:
85 / 100
22.This sign tells drivers that:
86 / 100
21.If the entrance lane is too short to allow acceleration to expressway speed, you should:
87 / 100
20.When a ‘Road Closed’ sign is displayed, drivers must:
88 / 100
19.Which of the following must you obey over the others?
89 / 100
18.This road sign means:
90 / 100
17.This sign indicates:
91 / 100
16.A good rule of thumb for drivers sharing the road with a truck is:
92 / 100
15.What should drivers do when the red lights begin to flash?
93 / 100
14.When you drive near parks and playgrounds, you should expect children:
94 / 100
13.Aggressive driving includes:
95 / 100
12.A flashing yellow light:
96 / 100
11.A driver who's being passed on the right and the left by many vehicles while driving in the center lane of an highway should:
97 / 100
10.You should never depend on your mirrors when you prepare to change lanes. Why?
98 / 100
9.When is the pavement most slippery?
99 / 100
8.This road sign means:
100 / 100
7.Your red traffic signal changes to green while a pedestrian is crossing in your traffic lane. The right of way should be given:
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